Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Oh Mista Sanders.

For a "Chris Sanders-inspired" art challenge. Everyone was drawing his smexy, busty Hawaiian girls, but the man has the most brilliant little rabbits, so that's the route I took. Scruffy mama's boy squirrel and his dweeky little bunny sidekick! Really fun style to try to emulate.

(Sketch to final process below)


  1. Nice job Kora! You captured his style quite well.

  2. By the way, you should show this to Michael Y...not sure if you know or not, but he was Chris' back up voice for Stitch!

  3. Awesome illo and great line work with a water color wash. Love Sander's style, it's highly addicting! The tattoo is stellar ;)

  4. Those be some sweet Sanders style animals!
    I'm really happy to see you chose to draw something rather than just his busty generic hawaii girls! As easy on the eyes they are I wish he would update his DA with a little more variety

    Great job on this! Hat Tip'd
